Our impact

Please read the Funding Guidelines for information on the areas and projects we fund.

We fund a range of strategic work. This work has the potential to benefit large numbers of people within the UK. Our partners share our aim to create a step change in policy, practice, attitudes and/or behaviour. This includes policy work, campaigning, research, public attitudinal work, and improving practice and design. 

We are proud of what our partners have achieved. However, we know that change rarely happens as a result of a single report or campaign, it takes collective effort, often from a range of actors. Below we outline how our approach and funding has contributed to improved living standards for people on low-to-middle incomes. 

Our funding significantly contributed to:

  • Development of Living Pensions scheme
    23 employers now signed up with a further 200 expressing an interest. View project summary
  • Energy security
    Securing an additional £1bn in the Great British Insulation scheme, which launched in September 2023. This project also secured the removal of the proposed hydrogen levy from the Energy Bill, which would have increased consumer energy bills. View project summary
  • Increased support for self-employed from Welsh Government
    Including expansion of eligibility for the Welsh Discretionary Assistance scheme to self-employed people and a review of the Education Maintenance Allowance. View project summary

Our funding partially contributed to:

  • Childcare reforms
    announced in the spring budget, including a £4bn expansion of 30 hours of free childcare to one- and two-year-olds, and changes to Universal Credit to enable the system to pay for childcare in advance, rather than in arrears. View project summary
  • Fair Taxation
    Evidence from research on public attitudes on inheritance tax may have influenced the autumn statement changes to NI, rather than mooted inheritance tax changes. View project summary
  • Sick pay
    The Labour party has committed to reforming Statutory Sick Pay so workers receive it from the first day of illness. View project summary

Our funding significantly contributed to:

  • A Tenant Hardship Loan Fund (£10m)
    A financial insecurity fund (£30m) and a £100m Winter Plan for Social Protection in Scotland.
  • Change to self-employment grants
    Providing access to 600,000 newly self-employed excluded from support.View project summary
  • Minimum Income Guarantee
    Commitment by Scottish Govt to work towards a Minimum Income Guarantee. Formation of a Government-led steering group and cross party engagement. View project summary

Our funding partially contributed to:

  • Extension of Universal
    increase of £20 a week for six months, and concessions on work taper. View project summary
  • Increasing the Scottish Child Payment
    from £20 a week to £25 a week and earlier implementation. Over 400,000 children eligible. £360m investment. View project summary
  • New Health and Social Care Levy
    raising £12bn. View project summary

Financial Fairness Tracker

We publish a regular financial impact tracker to monitor the economic effects of the cost-of-living crisis on people’s finances.

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